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August 2024 – Fight Against Deforestation

August 1 - August 31
Price: $12.05

This month, our focus is on a critical environmental issue – Deforestation. Our planet’s forests are disappearing at an alarming rate, leading to devastating consequences for biodiversity, ecosystems, and climate stability. It’s imperative that we come together to tackle this urgent challenge head-on.

Throughout the month, students will delve into the complexities of deforestation. From understanding its underlying causes to exploring its wide-ranging impacts on habitats, wildlife, and communities, we’ll highlight the pressing need for solutions.

Join us as we:

  1. Uncover the Problem: Examine the current state of deforestation worldwide. Gain insights into the drivers, consequences, and obstacles associated with the loss of forest cover.
  2. Understanding Deforestation Dynamics: Explore the science behind deforestation, including factors such as land-use change, logging practices, and agricultural expansion. Understand the long-term environmental repercussions of deforestation.
  3. Impacts on Ecosystems and Communities: Learn about the profound effects of deforestation on biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and local livelihoods. Recognize the interconnectedness between forest health and human well-being.
  4. Exploring Conservation Strategies: Discover ongoing efforts and innovative approaches aimed at combating deforestation. From reforestation and sustainable land management to community-based conservation initiatives, explore diverse strategies for preserving our forests.
  5. Project Presentations: Apply your knowledge by developing creative solutions to address deforestation challenges. Present your projects at the end of the month for a chance to earn recognition and rewards for your contributions to forest conservation.

Together, let’s stand up against deforestation and strive to safeguard our precious forests for generations to come.


Monthly: $12.5 USD / Student

Yearly: $120 USD / Student

Event Details

Date: 01 Aug - 31 Aug
Venue: Earth Quests
Organizer Name: Aashna Shah
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    Educating kids about climate change and empowering them with the knowledge and resources to become Earth Champs is our mission.